
Sunday, October 26, 2003

"The Isolation Chamber" by Os Hillman 

I've received Os Hillman's daily email devotional, "TGIF Today God is First", for a number of years now -- and there have been many days that God has used this gifted writer to encourage my heart.

I was especially blessed by today's devotional and I wanted to share it with you.

Thanks to Os for granting me permission to republish this important message here in "Line Upon Line."


The Isolation Chamber

Sunday, October 26, 2003

by Os Hillman

Be still and know that I am God.... -- Psalm 46:10

There is a time and place in our walk with God in which He sets us in a place of waiting. It is a place in which all past experiences are of no value. It is a time of such stillness that it can disturb the most faithful if we do not understand that He is the one who has brought us to this place for only a season. It is as if God has placed a wall around us. No new opportunities -- simply inactivity.

During these times, God is calling us aside to fashion something new in us. It is an isolation chamber designed to call us to deeper roots of prayer and faith. It is not a comfortable place, especially for a task-driven businessperson. Our nature cries out, "You must do something," while God is saying, "Be still and know that I am God." You know the signs that you have been brought into this chamber when He has removed many things from your life and you can't seem to change anything. Perhaps you are unemployed. Perhaps you are laid up with an illness.

Most religious people live a very planned and orchestrated life where they know almost everything that will happen. But for people in whom God is performing a deeper work, He brings them into a time of quietness that seems almost eerie. They cannot say what God is doing. They just know that He is doing a work that cannot be explained to themselves or to others.

Has God brought you to a place of being still? Be still and know that He really is God. When this happens, the chamber will open soon after.


think on these things...

"The Sovereign Lord, the Holy One of Israel, says, "Only in returning to me and waiting for me will you be saved. In quietness and confidence is your strength..."

-- Isaiah 30:15 (New Living Translation)

"The first time I was brought before the judge, no one was with me. Everyone had abandoned me. I hope it will not be counted against them. But the Lord stood with me and gave me strength, that I might preach the Good News in all its fullness for all the Gentiles to hear. And he saved me from certain death. Yes, and the Lord will deliver me from every evil attack and will bring me safely to his heavenly Kingdom. To God be the glory forever and ever. Amen."

-- 2 Timothy 4:16-18 (New Living Translation)

More about Os and Angie Hillman

Marketplace Leaders was founded by Os Hillman in 1996 to help men and women identify and fulfill their God-given calling by applying biblical faith to their life and work.

Os and Angie Hillman conduct workshops, speak to churches and business groups, write and teach, and consult with businesses and ministries. Os began this new call after a 20-year career in marketing and advertising, owning and operating his own ad agency.

In addition to working with individuals, Os and Angie work with other workplace ministries through a separate division, the International Coalition of Workplace Ministries which holds annual summits for other workplace ministries, business leaders and pastors.

Thus, the goal of Marketplace Leaders is to help every man and woman fulfill God's calling upon their life. Os is the author of the popular "TGIF Today God is First.", a daily email subscription that is read by thousands throughout the world daily.

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