Wednesday, September 03, 2003
The Winds of Change Are Blowing
Here are some thoughts from Don Arnold (President of the Full Gospel Fellowship of Churches and Ministers), from an article in the Spring, 1997 issue of "Fellowship Tidings," titled, "Staying on the Cutting Edge." The words he wrote then, still ring true today...
"The cutting edge is a phrase we often hear today, both in the secular and spiritual world. The basic meaning is that of being in the forefront of what is happening now. In the spiritual world we find its definition in Romans 8:14, 'For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the Sons of God.' The Sons of God are led by the Holy Spirit, who is always on the cutting edge. It is vital for spiritual leaders to be able to discern when the Holy Spirit is motivating the Lord's church in a change of direction, that may seem to be new, but is actually not new if it is based on God's word.
"A classic example of this is recorded in Acts 10, when God used Peter to bring the gospel to the Gentiles. Prior to Acts 10, the church was made up of Jewish converts. The flavor and tradition of Judaism was strong in both the leaders and people in the church. There was a danger of the church being swallowed up in Judaism. This was a turning point for the church. God had a man named Peter on the cutting edge who was led by the Spirit, that He could use at this significant time.... It was a totally different direction for the early church, but it was of God.
"...the Lord needs Spirit led men and women in the church to be in the forefront... on the cutting edge! Men and women like the children of Issachar, which were men and women that had understanding of the times, who knew what Israel ought to do." (See I Chronicles 12:32)
To faithfully serve the Lord, we must follow God's "game plan" -- that is, we must have the mind of Christ and take steps through life that are guided by the Spirit.
When the Holy Spirit was poured out upon the 120 believers gathered in the upper room on the Day of Pentecost, the sound that filled that place was said to be like "a rushing mighty wind...."
The very breath of God from heaven was blown upon and into the hearts of men and women who, like sailors upon the open sea, had set the sails of their hearts to catch the coming wind (Acts 10:1-4). We, too, must remain sensitive to the working and moving of the Holy Spirit.
Referring to the Holy Spirit, Jesus said, "The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes."
The winds of God's Spirit are blowing across the land today -- in this place, in that place. Many of you have been praying that those winds would blow in the place where you are.
Take heart... the winds can blow there, too!
"But, when will they come?" you cry.
"In His time," I say.
And, "where will they take us?" you ask.
Well, that's not so easy to say.
But, that's just part of this wonderful adventure of faith we share together in Christ.
Yet, of this you can be sure -- when the winds do blow, they will take us far from the place where we've been... the place which has become so comfortably familiar with time.
We shall learn as Peter did, the winds of God's Spirit are winds of change, destined to take us to new places -- places where we will discover and share new experiences in God.
Until then, let's watch and pray, and keep our hearts ready. Then, when the winds of God blow on us, we will be carried to a new place -- far better than any we've ever known or imagined -- by the power of His Holy Spirit!
think on these things...
"If God can plan a universe
And spin earth's globe in place,
Direct its path, control its course
With regal rule and grace...
He surely planned a path of life
So man won't be alone!
Yes, He directs and charts life's course
Across the vast unknown."
- Jack M. Scharn
"The church of Christ
does not get on the move by pushing
itself harder, but only by opening itself up
more fully to the Spirit's power."
- Alfred E. Mulder
"The will of God will not take you
where the grace of God cannot keep you."
- Unknown