
Wednesday, September 10, 2003

Ipse Dixit! 

No, I didn't just swear -- but it does sound like something you might blurt out if you bashed your thumb with a hammer, or rammed your forehead into the corner of the cupboard door.

"Ipse dixit" just happened to show up in this morning's email -- the A.Word.A.Day word of the day.

And how appropriate -- after viewing portions of the Congressional Black Caucus Institute / Fox News Channel Democratic Presidential Candidate Debate last evening.

"Ipse dixit" (IP-see DIK-sit) is defined as "an assertion without supporting proof."

The word is from the Latin, literally meaning, "he himself said it."

That is, "It's so because I say it's so!" or "It's a fact because I say it's a fact, and that's all the proof you need."

Well, "ipse dixits" ruled the night in the Gilliam Concert Hall of the Carl J. Murphy Fine Arts Center at Morgan State University in Baltimore, Maryland.

One after another, the candidates slung accusations, made innuendoes, cast aspersions, and generally stood upon the ground that "it's so because I say it's so."

Well, get ready -- we've got 14 more months of "ipse dixitizing" to look forward to -- from every segment of the political spectrum.


My advice -- check out the facts, dig out the truth, and realize that just because somebody said it's so, it ain't necessarily so!


Because I said so, that's why!


think on these things...

"Only simpletons believe everything they are told! The prudent carefully consider their steps."

-- Proverbs 14:15 (New Living Translation)

"A wise person is hungry for truth, while the fool feeds on trash."

-- Proverbs 15:14 (New Living Translation)

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