
Thursday, August 21, 2003

You Can Quote Me 

A few months ago I was awakened early on a Sunday morning, picked up a notebook and pen, and began writing. Maybe something here will speak to your heart.

"It's true that the mind is a spiritual battleground. But it could be thought of as a playground -- and the devil has his favorite rides."

"Be aware of the times in which God speaks to you. For me, it is often in the waking moments."

"God loves you -- not for what you do, but for who you are."

"The devil is not a creator -- he is a perverter of the good things God has made."

"It took the Apostle Paul a while to figure this out, too -- it's all about trusting in the grace of God."

"Just about the time you think you've arrived..."

"Without God, you can do nothing of eternal consequence."

"Find one person consumed with a vision for God -- and I'll show you a thousand who could care less."

"Seek not sympathy from the crowd. The suffering of others is great sport for the masses."

"There's always at least one Judas in the crowd...that goes for Jezebel, too."

"You'll not know if your life has been successful until you hear, 'Well done, my good and faithful servant.'"

"True faith is not a leap in the dark, or a step out onto thin ice. True faith rests firmly on the unchanging, eternal Word of God."

"Make sure your dreams are God's dreams for you -- your thoughts, God's thoughts about you."

"It's not only what you do for God that's important -- but why you do it."

"If you are led by the Spirit of God many will not understand you -- some will applaud you -- a handful will admire you -- and a couple will want to kill you."

"There are some things that God will speak to you or show you that are for you alone. Treasure them in your heart."

"If God has spoken it, He will bring it to pass -- but most likely not when or how you think He should."

"As you grow with God, you will be amazed that the more you come to know, the more you'll realize how little you really do know."

"The world buys opinions -- the wise seek Truth."

"Following Jesus is an adventure of faith."

"It's true...if you don't use it, you will lose it."

"To grow, eat. To grow strong, eat and exercise."

"The most profound truths are really very simple."

"'IF' is the biggest word in the Bible."

"There's always a reason people act the way they do."

"One of the scariest thoughts for the public speaker is, 'out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.'"

"Give most of your time to the most important things."

"Being led by the Spirit is the surest way to success and prosperity -- and persecution, too."

"There is one sure guarantee in this world -- God's love."

"Its one thing to believe in God -- another to trust Him."

"Many people find the way -- only a few walk in it."

"Criticism can hurt -- but praise can prove deadly."

"There is always time to do the things God wants you to do."

"The two most important things in life are knowing God's will and doing it."

"Never make lists of pros and cons. Instead, be led by the Spirit of God."

"God is not influenced by opinion polls -- and you shouldn't be, either."

"If you think God's not watching or listening, well, you just don't know God."

"The gifts that God has given you are not for you -- they are for you to give to someone else."

"The highest calling in life is that of a servant."

"It's not how you learn, but what you learn that's important."

"There's nobody else in the world exactly like you -- and that's probably a good thing!"

"Change is not always for the better."

"Things that seem of little importance to you, may be very important to someone else. Take time to listen."

"I am convinced that nothing in life happens when you think it should -- or ever turns out the way you imagined it would."

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