
Thursday, August 14, 2003

Somebody, please stop the madness! 

I always look forward to each new copy of "One-To-One", Charles Simpson's teaching magazine for believers.

Charles is a gifted teacher, minister, and leader of leaders.

Through the years, Charles' messages have echoed and confirmed many things God has been speaking to my heart.

Such was the case again this morning, as I opened this month's issue, while enjoying my Aunt Millie's Cracked Wheat toast (with butter and Smucker's Seedless Strawberry Jam), Carnation Instant Breakfast (cappuccino flavor...soooo good), and coffee (Gevalia traditional roast). YUM!

But, it wasn't an article by Charles that first caught my attention today --- it was an editorial written by Editorial Director, Stephen Simpson.

Here's a brief excerpt from Stephen's commentary, "The Charismatrix: Looking for Reality That Makes The Mission Possible." (This will especially speak to you who saw the first "Matrix" movie)

"Let's face it...we as charismatics are terribly prone to tangents.

Our image of what the Church ought to be has been often dreadfully warped by the media. And, by the media, I'm not necessarily talking about CNN. I'd rather not be more specific. And, no, I'm not talking about CBS either.

There is far too much of what my Grandma Simpson used to call 'strutting your onions' in charismatic Christendom today. Too many leaders getting together and playing "Can you top this?" with each other.

Too many preaching superstars on TV who take their fashion tips from the cover of the Sgt. Pepper album. Too much insider religious jargon being tossed around by folks who don't know sanctification from sanctimony. Too much hollering and thinking erroneously that some stronghold just fell down. Too many cutesy jingles masquerading as worship songs.

I call this condition "the charismatrix." It looks real. It feels real. It sounds real. But basically, it's just a pill that a lot of Christians have swallowed that substitutes noise for real revolution. We seem to have forgotten that the power of God has been given to move us forward in the mission."

Well, can anybody say, "AMEN!?"

I have been troubled for some time now at what I see portrayed as the "Spirit-filled life" and promoted as "The Anointing." The hype has intensified and accelerated, especially over the last few months. It has moved far beyond the sublime and is well into ridiculous.

Now, before you accuse me of being judgmental, I must say that each one of us has a responsibility to judge righteous judgment by the Spirit of God and be discerning of what is claimed to "be God" or is done "in the name of God."

If we are in "the last days" (and I believe we are), there will be great deception in the world -- including among those in the Body of Christ -- and many will be led astray.

I pray that God will help us to know the Truth and hold fast to it in these trying times.

Consider this wisdom from the Word of God:

"Only simpletons believe everything they are told! The prudent carefully consider their steps." --- Proverbs 14:15 (New Living Translation)

I encourage you to read Stephen's entire editorial here: "The Charismatrix"

More on this tomorrow...

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