
Friday, August 08, 2003

Leadership 101 

A local pastor doing research for a college course paper asked me to contribute some of my thoughts about leadership. Here are his questions and my responses.

1. How long have you served in a leadership role?

I am presently heading Randall Gearhart Ministries and RCG Media after serving 13 years as the Director of Ministries of Life of Faith Fellowship in Kimball, MI. I am currently the President of the Board of Directors of Life of Faith Fellowship Church, Inc. and a member of the Board of Trustees of Operation Transformation and on the Board of Directors of Landmark Academy.

2. What other leadership roles have you held?

I was Youth Minister (Jr. and Sr. High) at Sheridan Assembly Christian Center in Tulsa, OK from 1975-1976.

I was President of Faith Ministries, Inc. from 1977-1978.

I served as Vice-President and President of the RHEMA Alumni Association.

I was an instructor at RHEMA Bible Training Center from 1978-1981.

I was founder and pastor of Dublin Christian Fellowship (now World Harvest Church) in Dublin, GA. (1981-1988)

I served as Chairman of the Georgia Fellowship of Churches and Ministers.

3. What are the greatest lessons you have learned through your leadership experience?

a. You're not going to please everybody...so don't try.
b. You can't lead people where they don't want to go.
c. Leadership is often a lonely place.

4. What three things would you advise every developing leader to do as a foundation for future success?

a. Have a strong personal relationship and on-going fellowship with God.
b. Work with or under a proven successful leader for a time
c. Read the writings and study the lives of successful leaders (both from the church and business world).

5. What was an area of failure that you gained personal significant insight to shape your leadership style and philosophy, and what were the top three lessons you learned?

Failure to recognize opposition.

a. Not everyone has pure motives.
b. The adversary works most effectively through people -- often those closest to you.
c. How to be cautious without being suspicious.

6. What are the three most important qualities a leader should possess?

a. Faith in God
b. Confidence in who God has created and called you to be.
c. An ability to understand, relate to, and communicate with people.

7. Who do you most admire as a leader? Why?

It's got to be J.C.!

Jesus Christ is the PERFECT LEADER and THE role model for leaders. No one else comes close. His life and ministry is a continual source of instruction and encouragement for me.

Now, if I had to choose someone other than Jesus, I have great respect for the leadership of President George W. Bush. He makes the tough decisions in the face of fierce opposition and personal attacks. He prays daily for God's wisdom. He is a team builder -- surrounding himself with gifted, knowledgeable, and experienced men and women.

Now, I suppose there's a few other things I've learned over the past 53 years...and God knows (and so do I) I've got a lot more to learn!

How about YOU?

Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.
--- Henry Ford

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