
Monday, August 18, 2003

God Chose the Foolish Things 

I wrote to you last Thursday, August 13th after reading Stephen Simpson's editorial, "The Charismatrix: Looking for Reality That Makes The Mission Possible", from the latest edition of Charles Simpson's One-To-One magazine. (Stephen's editorial can be found here "The Charismatrix")

As Stephen, I, too, have been troubled by much of what I see in the Church (especially the Church on TV). I am also concerned by the tendency of God's people to believe everything they hear and to follow anyone who says they've got "a word from the Lord."

A number of years ago, Pastor John Osteen (who has gone home to be with the Lord), shared something with me that helped me understand this phenomenon.

Back in the early 80's I was President of the RHEMA Alumni Association. I was responsible for planning the annual RHEMA Alumni meeting. One year we invited Pastor Osteen to speak to the returning alumni.

In the morning meeting, Pastor Osteen quieted the crowd when he expressed his disappointment over the failure of some of the alumni to honor a commitment to him, after he opened his book table to those attending Kenneth Hagin's Campmeeting. Pastor John had told them that if they didn't have the money to pay for books and tapes, they could take them and send the money later.

According to Pastor Osteen, most everyone honored their commitment -- except for a number of the Bible school students and alumni.

After sharing his heart on this matter, he continued with his message.

When Pastor Osteen left the platform, I met him backstage in the guest speaker's room.

It was obvious that he was upset. But this time he was not upset with the alumni, he was upset with himself.

"I shouldn't have said anything," he said.

I tried to encourage him, saying, "Well, if that's what happened, they needed to hear it."

Then I asked Pastor Osteen a question: "Tell me, why is it that men and women who are called to be pastors and leaders -- and to be examples to others -- do such things?"

His response to my question came without a moments' thought.

"Because God chose the foolish things of this world."

And you know, it's true.

Many of the strange things going on in the Body of Christ -- things done "in the name of Jesus" -- are simply the result of foolish people doing what comes naturally -- acting foolishly.

But I'm concerned that a watching world is beholding this foolishness of man rather than seeing the character and nature of God. As God's people and His ambassadors to the world, we are called to show forth His glory and manifest His wisdom. You see, even though we were foolish when God chose us, He didn't intend that we should stay that way!

I guess I have a right to talk here -- because I was one of those foolish things God chose for the ministry. I was a nobody...going no place...to do nothing, when I heard His call. And, yes, I've done some stupid things, too. But, thank God, through it all I have learned the grace and patience of God, and His power to take foolish things (like me) and make them glorious.

"Remember, dear brothers and sisters, that few of you were wise in the world's eyes, or powerful, or wealthy when God called you. Instead, God deliberately chose things the world considers foolish in order to shame those who think they are wise. And he chose those who are powerless to shame those who are powerful. God chose things despised by the world, things counted as nothing at all, and used them to bring to nothing what the world considers important, so that no one can ever boast in the presence of God."
--- 1 Corinthians 1:26-29

I pray that God will help us discern the real from the religious so that we might worship Him and serve Him in spirit and in truth -- and show the world the greatness of our God. May God glorify us, so we might glorify Him.

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